How do I thank them?

Thank you

Despite the data collection discrepancies experienced in the reality of the four classroom contexts of my research, I have to admire the good will and graciousness of my four colleagues, who without hesitation offered their students to be part of my research, and who didn’t flinch as my research demands grew like Topsy.

In an NCEA context, we are so tight for teaching time, and yet they, all four, were willing to offer me precious teaching time with their classes.  I can’t thank them enough.  In fact, I owe them.

I once took part in some research and was offered a $15 voucher which I considered an insult.  Nothing would have been better.  I don’t want these professionals who I respect to feel the same way.  Maybe a $50 voucher?  Some sort of gift?  Any ideas, anyone?


  1. Hi ReflecteDD (love the blog name by the way).
    I think you should trust your gut. You are a teacher, you have have in the same position as your colleagues (as a ‘subject’ of research, albeit a somewhat insulted one), so I think you have a sense of what you might have seen as a respectful ‘thank you’. I am constantly amazed at the willingness to people to engage in our research, to give of their time freely to support us. So perhaps one thing to think about is how your research can help them in their practice – that might perhaps be the best gift (or thank you) of all.


    • Hi BigPictureSport,

      I did what you suggested and trusted my gut – I gave them several options and they all wanted to go out for a meal together, which happened last night. We had a wonderful evening laughing and sharing and I think they know how much I appreciate their sacrifice without repeating the words. Sometimes actions speak louder… we spent time. Thanks for your encouragement. Anne


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